Monday 7 October 2013

Luther media filming project 

Luther practical evaluation

1) How successful was your final product? How closely did you follow the script? Did it represent the TV crime drama genre? was the shift of power clear?
- The end product was successful as it followed the script and the conventions of a crime drama. the shift of power was presented throughout the whole clip, this was shown by the death of the police and the victory of the criminal. 
2) How did you effectively work as a team?
-we work well as a team as we each had different roles to preform. we each put in 100% to make our production. 
3) How did you represent your characters through mise en scene and sound?
- The criminal was dressed in a hoodie, which covered his face in some of the scenes. we didn't have enough time to incorporate sound, but if we did we would have used a very dark up beat sound track for the criminal.
4) How did you effectively use sound to represent stereotypes?
- we didn't have time to import sound, but if we did we would have used a upbeat soundtrack for the criminal, and a more structured classic soundtrack for the police.
5) How did you effectively use mise en scene to represent stereotypes?
- the criminal was dressed in a hoodie, well as the police were dressed in smart shoes and clothes.
6) what did you learn about camera work and editing in the process?
- we used a tripod to give the clip a smooth finish, this so show the camera work didn't look shaky. another thing we learnt is by using different camera angles and movement we could show the levels of power between the characters.
7) what would you improve upon if you were remaking your scene?
- during the editing process, we would have used more special effects and sound to give a better effect on the clip.
8) bullet point 3 things you will be taking from this practical task that is useful to future projects

  • camera work is important when filming 
  • editing can give the clip a better effect 
  • dividing the work enable us to get the work done to a good standard 
9) What were some audience feedback?
- Many people said they liked the overall project however they thought we should have incorporated sound into the clip
10) what was your role in the group?
- my role was the camera work, i was responsible for shooting the clip and using the right camera angles. I also helped to edited the clip together on final cut.      

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